Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Few Cool Photos

I thought I would add a few pictures here that were not included in the regular postings. We had so many good photos and so many neat places to see that with all the networking problems we just couldn't get everything we wanted uploaded. So..... here goes some more.

Here's the three of us in the first couple of days

 This is Doug's picture of the three holer at the Lincoln home in Springfield.
 Only question we had was "Why a three holer? Did we sit together and discuss the day?"  Can't quite grasp the concept.
Kind of a cool RR bridge we drove under.
                Can't tell you anything about this one, 'cept it's really there. Burl of Burlingame. Oh well.

This was just a neat stretch of road.
 Doug and Jim went to a railroad museum and took a few pictures there.

 Pikes Peak

Awesome views

Cripple Creek KOA

 Sandy and Pam arrive....lucky them.....
Before I go too far I have to tell Sandy and Pam we really enjoyed having them riding along. Having women along gives things a slightly different perspective than that of just 3 guys. You ladies were very good sports through some difficult riding and some uncomfortable camping. Gotta admit though, it was fun! The hail storms, rain on the narrow mountain roads, 30 degree nights, 100 degree days, 300 mile days, 500 mile days, phone booth sized showers, the miles of dirt and gravel roads, campground laundries, mice, and all the other stuff I've already forgotten about. That's the stuff REAL memories are made of!.....Wait....if I've already forgotten....where's the memory?
 That's why there's pictures...of course!
Memorial outside the Coors brewery.

 American Legion


That's it for today. I'll add more soon.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Our last camp of the trip. This was in Illinois somewhere. Not really sure where. After checking the maps we decided we would just stop if we saw something interesting. We've pretty much done nothing but drive for the last days. The day after we said goodbye to Sandy and Pam, we drove 538 miles, the next day was 512, and the last day the drive home was around 300. The total mileage for the trip was 6465 miles. That's a lot of saddle time, even spread over 23 days.

 Dough thought this was a good shot of the new energy programs,(none of them are moving)
 Some very long trains can be seen along the US highways.

 Our last stop for a drink before the last leg home.  This was near Belterra.

One last trip in the bag. Once more a few weeks spent riding this countries, highways and by ways. I believe we are a very fortunate group that can spend this time exploring this country. My hope is we can continue this extraordinary pastime. I think we can. Next years is already in the planning stages, and might include some interesting side trips with a few additional people. Could be fun, stay tuned.