This morning the three of us met at Jim’s house to start our trip. Every trip must have a beginning, for us, today was that day.
The morning was cool, but not cold. A great start.
I promised some pictures of the bikes. Jim’s is a 2005 Electra Glide Classic. Doug’s is a 2003 Electra Glide Ultra Classic. Mine, of course is a 2000 Wide Glide. I know, if you look at my packing job, you almost expect to see Uncle Jed and Granny. Hey, there’s not much room on a Wide Glide. Next bike…...
I know, wandering again….
Doug is on the right, Jim on the left. Jim’s wife Pam will be flying out to Reno and meeting us there. She will ride with us to California and up to Oregon. Then we’ll drop her off back in Reno and she’ll fly back home…..She’s going to miss the fun parts…like the first days fun.
We left Jim’s house and rode down Bridgetown rd. to US50. There, we turned west.
At this point on RT. 50 there is only a couple of miles left in Ohio. They were uneventful.
We entered Indiana and here I must add…Tom, your van threw us off. We all recognized you there on the road side but only as a ”Hey! That was Tom….” We had thought you might bring your bike and ride with us for a mile or two. You still can you know. We’re not THAT far away!
The passage through Indiana was quick, as was most of Illinois. Sorry for not mentioning more from that portion of the ride, but at that point we weren’t site seeing, just riding.
Some where around Clay City, the rain started.
The picture below is in Clay City just before the rain. There aren’t any pictures during the rain, because Doug accidentally deleted the ones he took, and I wasn’t going to get my camera wet for a few rain pictures. We all know what riding in the rain is like.
For the most part, pretty miserable.
It rained the rest of the day and through the night.
We stopped at the Robertsville State Park for the night. Remember, this is a “Camping Trip”. What a first night. We got to the camp site around 6:30 or so. There was only one site open, so that was home. The rain let up briefly, just long enough to set camp and eat some reconstituted dinner, cooked on a Pocket Rocket camp stove. Love those things. Small, light and quick.
The camp site really would have been a little more comfortable if it had been level. Sleeping on an angle is not fun. Waking up in a heap at the lower end of the tent is for the birds. We just about had to anchor the sleeping bags to keep from sliding away.
Fortunately, none of us got wet inside the tents. Small blessing. Everything else got wet outside the tent.
This completed the first day.
Packing up in the morning, looking at the bedraggled, wet look we all three had, I was reminded of another trip from a long time ago. Actually another trip arranged by Jim that had us miles from no where, cold, tired and wet. But, that as they say is another story….
We threw everything together and took off on the next leg.
First days travel was almost 320 miles
It's said the Lord protects children and fools...I know we fit in there somewhere.
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