Today, we started off the morning by packing up our campsite.
Pam, you really missed one here.
a lean to type thing for shade, and a trailer park on the other side of a
wood slat fence.
Not really bad, just odd, like sleeping in a giant cat box. Which it was.
Anyway, we packed up and started the day. The goal was to ride to the
Bonneville Salt Flats and see that place, then ride about 300 miles to
Flaming Gorge, Wyoming. But first, breakfast....
Hey Marie, this one's for you. There really is such a place.
2 Eggs, meat, hash browns, and toast $2.99. Not bad at all.
From the Red Garter, it was on to the Bonneville Salt Flats.
We rode our bikes out onto the salt flats, just to see what it felt like.
Here's Jims speedometer during one of his runs.
Doug and I both did 85 mph. Just no pictures. It doesn't sound like it's
all that fast, but remember, we're loaded down with all our gear on street
bikes. 85 and 95 are quite fast enough thank you.
Sarah R. this is for you....
and promptly drove through it. Thought you might enjoy that.
He says he sucked it up and went on.
That's because his big brother washed his bike off.
Buddy, check this bike out. 2 runs, about 8 miles, through the salt flats.
I could go through miles and miles of the road, but I won't. There were
some interesting pictures though.
We reached Lyman Wyoming. We are at a KOA campground. This one is great
compared to last nights cat box.
We drove to down town Lyman for dinner. Found a pizza/ice cream/movie store and had a pizza.
Bought some snacks and beer then returned to the campsite, got a 5 gallon bucket for the beer and ice, then started the laundry. Then got out the computer to write and upload today's blog entry.
Tomorrow it's on to the gorge and then east.
Total mileage as of this evening: 6021.7
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