Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day 21 New tire day

Day 21
Total mileage for the trip 5095
Today is tire day. We arranged with a Harley dealer in Medford OR to change my rear tire at noon. My tire wore super fast. Just like it had 12000 miles. Except it only had 5000 miles, and in all actuality, the center of the tire, the part that wore, probably had less than 3000 miles. With the roads Jim's been taking us on I should have at least 2000 miles on the sidewalls! We left Sisters/Bend Oregon this morning and rode to Medford to get my tire changed. Had breakfast at Debbies Diner....Not bad at all. D&S Harley of Medford OR took good care of my bike, and we were on our way by 1:30.
While we were at the Harley dealer Jim had his coat fixed. Jim had been given a nice leather "Chevy" jacket. We all know Jim.....Jim bought a a good sized Harley patch to make the coat his. He had it sewn on immediately. There's now an orange and black "Harley" jacket running around the west.

There's not many photos today because of the smoke. Not much to see.

There's a mountain in this picture. It's just above and to the left of the brown road sign. Very hard to see because of the smoke.

We rode through this much of the way this morning.
Not a good thing.
Another burned out area of forest.
The day was somewhat short today because of the tire, but we still did 214 miles.Doug on the road
When we were approaching our home for the night we stopped to fill the tanks. At the gas station there was an interesting motorcycle rider. She got lots of attention.
I know I should make some comment here....I'm just not sure what!
After fueling up we moved on to the next camp site..Shingletown CA.
Pam entering the pop up Hilton. Note the hat.
The straw is equal to a good pillow top they tell me.
Tomorrow it's on to Lassen Volcanic National Park, then on to Reno.
Until tomorrow...

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