Sorry folks, computer problems galore the last few days. I lost days 11 and 12, also lost 10 but didn't realize it and re wrote it all the while thinking..I've done this before... Oh well. I think we have it figured out. My battery has given up the ghost. When my computer dies, all info in an unsaved notepad dies with it. The blog won't accept a word .doc so it has to be done as plain text and the photos added afterward. It's a pain but I must admit, I enjoy writing this. Just for some general info, the blog is usually a joint effort by all of us. We sit down at night and recount the day, decide on what pics to post, and write it up. It's interesting to hear the different takes on what we all saw, or what we missed
Anyway, remember, to see a larger view of the pictures, and some of these you really have to see as large as possible, just click on the photo, then to return to the text hit your back button. I haven't figured out how to make them open in a new tab or window. When I do, I'll let you know.
Also, I am now allowing anonymous comments, I know there's several people who said they wanted to leave a comment but didn't want to sign up for anything. Tell you the truth I didn't know you had to sign up to leave a comment. Anyway there will still be a word verification to cut spam comments. OK, I think that's all the preliminaries, back to the trip.
As I was writing up day 10 at the campsite, a mother bear and 2 cubs came down the hill not 50 feet away from me. The cubs were having a good ole' time, running and sliding down the hill. Mama ignored me completely. Naturally, my camera battery was on the charger and the memory card was in my computer. I think I got a picture of one of the cubs after I put the camera back together.... Nope, just a black lump. Oh well. The mother bear I think is the same one Doug and I saw and photographed yesterday. So at least we do have a couple of pictures.
This morning, Doug left at about 6:00 to meet up with Jim to hike to half dome. I elected to stay and finish the blog for the last couple of days. Darn....I missed out on a 17 mile hike almost straight up. I know my limits. At this time I'm not in shape for that kind of exertion.
These pictures scared me out of the hike. Blow these up... you have to see this!
Doug and Jim both came back just wiped out. After all, we're old....we're not supposed to be doing this stuff.
I charged up all my batteries, had a leisurely breakfast, and in general, took a down day. Around 1030 I went to the Yosemite village to check for wireless. I knew if none was available I could still get on to the hotels wireless. I just needed Jim and Pam's access code. I stopped at the restaurant to have a cup of coffee, tea, whatever they had. Seems they were down for a half hour for cleaning but I was welcome to get a soda and sit and wait for 30-35 minutes until lunch was ready, which I did. To my surprise, I was able to connect to the wireless there. So I spent the next 2 hours writing up and finishing days 9 and 10. SO relaxing....I enjoyed that. Had a little lunch and checked e-mail, and in general just blew a couple of hours.
Pam joined me after an hour or two. She had taken a 2 hour tour of the Yosemite valley. This took in all the things you could get to close to the village including Bridal Veil Falls and a few overlooks. She also took in the theater. The film was naturally, all about Yosemite Valley. Also a good way not to hike Half Dome!
Here's reminding you again why I didn't go.....
When Jim and Doug got back they had plenty of pictures to go through. So I will just post some of those now.
Needless to say Pam and I had a relatively easy day, Jim and Doug were trashed, bed couldn't come soon enough, and morning came way too soon....but that's tomorrow
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